Learning to Read and Write
It’s quite amusing to see Turkish men, some of them big and strong, struggling to learn how to read and write. In classrooms, there...
Hilmi Pashas Challenges in Macedonia
Hilmi Pasha has been the Viceroy of Macedonia for three years. He understands better than anyone how difficult it has been to achieve lasting...
Hilmi Pasha A Key Figure in Macedonia
Hilmi Pasha is the Inspector-General of Macedonia and one of the most impressive men in the region. He works to keep the peace between...
The Great Fire of September 1905
In September 1905, I was in Adrianople during a devastating fire that left 60,000 people homeless. The fire started in the Armenian quarter, and...
The Fear of the Turks
The Turks live in fear. When traveling through Turkey, it's better to wear a European hat than a fez. Your hat will serve as...
Where Was the Crowd
There was no cheering crowd. All the windows and doors were shut, and people who wanted to see the Vali were forced to use...
Challenges in Processing Bulgarian
Challenges in Processing Bulgarian Compound Verb Forms
The complexities in handling complex tense, mood, and voice forms arise from their incorporation of both morphological and...
Bulgarian Compound Verb Forms
Overview of Data Categories
In constructing a grammar for recognizing compound verb forms automatically, the initial challenge is to identify the boundaries and components of...
A Unified Approach
This paper is part of the BulTreeBank framework, an integrated system for building grammars to analyze linguistic entities in XML documents. The software environment...
Istanbul’s Culinary Rediscovery
Fish A Culinary Heritage
Throughout the history of Istanbul, fish has held the esteemed position of being the most consumed product in the city’s cuisine....