Rinconete and Cortadillo part 20


“Memorandum of common business,” such as “blacking the face with a bottle of ink”—“nailing a horn over the doors of cuckolds”— “pretenses at assassination”—“false alarms.” “That is enough,” said Monipodio; “I undertake all that business, because I make it a rule to keep secret little affairs of delicacy; and would rather nail up twenty horns, than give intelligence of one.”

The business of the day being then concluded, the names of the new members were entered in the book, during which one of the old respectable-looking gentlemen re-turned, to inform the professor that he had seen the gentleman from Malaga, who informed him that he was so much improved in his art, that now he should not be afraid to play with the very devil, and would wager that he could cheat him with clean cards. He had been prevented from waiting on the master since his tour by illness; but should not fail to be at the general rendezvous on Sunday morning.

Great doubts of his honesty

“I always said that Lovillo would arrive at eminence in his profession,” said Monipodio; “he has the best hands I ever saw; and to be a good artist we must have good tools.” “I have likewise seen the Jew who acts the clergyman,” said the venerable reporter: “he has taken lodgings in the same house with some people whom he hopes to tempt at play; but he will not fail to attend on Sunday.” “Ah! the Jew is a great scoundrel,” said Monipodio: “I have long had great doubts of his honesty, by his never coming near me. Unless he conducts himself more orderly, I shall strip him of his gown. Have you anything more to say?” “Nothing more at present,” returned the old gentleman.

“There, my children; take these fifty reals amongst you for the present,” said the master, “and God bless and prosper you in your honest endeavors; and, on Sunday next, I shall expect everybody present without fail, as I have a lecture to give you on the improvement of our art.” He then embraced Rinconete and Cortadillo, giving them in charge of their former guide, to conduct them to the boundaries of the walks allotted to them, where they were to be accountable for everything stolen from that district. The company then separated, and the two friends retired with their guide, highly edified and delighted with their visit.

Read More about Rinconete and Cortadillo part 19