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The Conpiracy of Aston – The Final Defeat of Bohemond : The Treaty of Devol. (1107-8)
I We were, one and all, astounded at the Emperor’s dignified attitude. But although outwardly he pretended for the sake of those present to receive that message with disdain, yet inwardly he was deeply perturbed by it. Then he decided that he must leave Byzantium again and this although he knew that things at home were not going on well for him; yet he arranged matters in the palace and the Queen of Cities and appointed as guardians the eunuch Eustathius Cymineanus, the Great Drungaire of the Fleet, and Nicephorus, called the son of Decanus.

Afterwards he left Byzantium with a few companions-and those his relations-on the first day of November in the first Indiction and occupied the imperial purple tent at Geranium outside the city. But he was anxious because at his departure the Mother of God had not displayed the usual miracle in Blachernae. For this reason after spending four days in the same place, he took the return journey with his wife at sunset and secretly entered the church of the Mother of God with a few attendants.

After singing the correct hymns and making more than usually lengthy prayers, the customary miracle was shewn and consequently he left the church with high hopes. On the following day he commenced the journey to Thessalonica, and when he reached Chcerobacchi he appointed John Taronites governor of it. This man was of noble birth, had been adopted by the Emperor as a child and served him a long time as under-secretary; he was of a very energetic disposition and an expert in Roman law, and extolled the Emperor’s decrees provided the orders he gave were consonant with His Majesty.

The Conpiracy of Aston part 16

I had got as far as this and was toiling with my pen about the time of lamp-lighting, when I noticed that I was dozing a bit over my writing, as the subject was...

The Conpiracy of Aston part 15

VI Then emboldened by this victory, they ran back again with the idea of attacking Cantacuzenus. But when they realized that the ground where, as told, Cantacuzenus had already pitched his stakes would not...

The Conpiracy of Aston part 14

On his way Cantacuzenus came to a small fortress, called Mylus’ fort, and immediately set up siege-engines and besieged it. And the Romans approached the walls unconcernedly, some threw fire on the gates and...

The Conpiracy of Aston part 13

When some small towns bordering on Arbanum fell into Bohemund’s hands, their inhabitants, who were intimately acquainted with all the roads round Arbanum, came to him and explained the exact position of Devra and...

The Conpiracy of Aston part 12

To him he was to pretend that he was a deserter and had come over to him because he hated being with the Emperor, and while professing friendship and a certain goodwill to the...

The Conpiracy of Aston part 11

When they had told him, he said he must by some means or other win these men over. ” And if this is done ‘ then with their help discord can be introduced and...

The Conpiracy of Aston part 10

For the same reason he did not wish for any close fighting but left the impassable valleys and roads which had no outlet as border-land between the two armies, and then posted all the...

The Conpiracy of Aston part 9

For seeing to what a height that self-moving tower reached and where they had planted it after taking off the wheels, they fixed opposite the tower four very long beams which stood up like...

The Conpiracy of Aston part 8

Bohemund’s barbarians The walls were flanked by towers standing up above it all around and rising as high as eleven feet, which were ascended by a spiral stair and strengthened by battlements. Such was the...

The Conpiracy of Aston part 7

The configuration of this locality was as follows. The Praetorium stood on a hill, not a hill of rock but of earth, and the wall of the city ran over it. Opposite this hill...

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